Page 32 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 32


                                  EVIL FORM OF COURAGE

            S         atan's purpose is to keep people away from the re l i g i o n

                      of Allah, and to mislead them into Hell. For this re a s o n ,
                      he uses various stratagems against them in order to de-
            ceive and ensnare them. He deceives the majority with these ru s e s ,

            and misguides them to evil. Because he wants to distance people
            f rom the true faith, and coerce them into his own perverse system,
            he confuses ideas, and tries to present superior morals as despica-
            ble, and base morality as desirable. In this way, he ensures that
            people have an incorrect perception of all aspects of superior
            morals. This behavior of Satan's and those who follow him is de-
            scribed in a verse of the Qur'an:

                Shall I tell you upon whom the satans descend?
                They descend on every evil liar .
                They give them a hearing and most of them are liars. (Surat
                ash-Shu‘ara', 221-223)
                For example, though patience is an excellent moral virtue,
            Satan presents it to people incorrectly. People are almost completely
            ignorant of the finer aspects of patience. For the most part, they be-
            lieve it to be a difficult, troublesome and oppressive duty. Their un-

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