Page 21 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 21
Courage According to the Qur'an
character, who are compassionate, merciful, just, self-sacrificing, de-
voted and magnanimous, who invite others to do good, think posi-
tively and re g a rd everything as a blessing, may be belittled and
rejected by other, but it does not bother them. Because, in this world,
and the Hereafter, they will be exalted by Allah, and set above those
who turned their faces from what is right.
Courage, according to the Qur'an, requires fearing nothing and
no one other than Allah; not hesitating to act in the way which con-
forms the nearest to Allah's good pleasure, and showing determina-
tion. Amongst the most important characteristics of the faithful are
that they do not give up when faced with difficulty, and fear nothing
and no one but Allah. They know that there is no power other than
He. This fosters courage in them, to overcome any kind of fear. A n
example of such exemplary behavior is given in the Qur'an:
(Prophets are) those who conveyed Allah's Message and
feared (and respected) Him, fearing no one except Allah.
Allah suffices as a Reckoner. (Surat al-Ahzab, 39)
To defeat the evil alliances that are established by those who
enjoy wickedness, and want others to be like them, re q u i res one to
be as brave as the prophets, and the pious faithful who strove at
their sides for good to prevail. The basis of this courage is a sincere
faith purged of idolatry.
Those who do good, and urge others to do the same, will draw
the attention of the wicked conspirators, and efforts will be made to
divert them from virtue. This truth has been demonstrated a thou-
sands times over. Efforts have been made throughout history to pre-
vent every Muslim from living according to the superior morality
and inviting others to it.