Page 19 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 19
Courage According to the Qur'an
person to his own devices. But, a Muslim helps the person without
fearing any blame, because he knows that the needy person has been
c reated by Allah, and put before him for a purpose. This may be a
test of whether or not he will demonstrate steadfastness in being
moral. A believer with insight knows right away that Allah has es-
pecially ordained this moment, and chooses the kind of behavior
complying with Allah's good pleasure. If his friends mock him, it
does not put him off at all. He behaves courageously in doing what
he knows to be right.
From time to time, a person determined to act morally may en-
counter others who oppose him and who try to make him abandon
his morals. When we study the verses of the Qur'an, we are led to
understand such a situation as a test. As explained in the Qur'an,
good people will always come across wicked people, who want to
impart their wicked ways to others. There f o re, they try to interfere
with those who do good. Allah tells us this truth in several verses:
… Who could do greater wrong than someone who denies
Allah's Signs and turns away from them? We will repay
those who turn away from Our Signs with the worst kind
of punishment because they turned away. (Surat al-An‘am,
Have you seen him who denies the religion? He is the one
who harshly rebuffs the orphan and does not urge the feed -
ing of the poor. So woe to those who pray, and are forgetful
of their prayer, those who show off and deny help to others.
(Surat al-Ma‘un, 1-7)
The Qur'an draws our attention to the fact that those who resist
Allah will do their utmost to prevent the spread of virtue. However,