Page 17 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 17

Courage According to the Qur'an

             As for the courageous acts of unbelievers, these are carried out
        solely for their own gain or other worldly ambitions. There f o re ,
        those who are removed from the light of the Qur'an apply what they
        deem as courage to the wrong situations. In matters where tru e
        courage is re q u i red, they may actually falter. As such, the courage
        they usually exemplify is of little purpose, and of no benefit to them-

        selves, with regards to the Hereafter.
             Being bound by his conscience, a believer cannot fail to be
        courageous. For example, if an innocent person is accused, and he is
        aware of his innocence, he defends the person, for the good pleasure
        of Allah, even if it is in conflict with his own interests, or places him
        at risk. This is a true example of outstanding courage. The source of
        this  courage  exemplified  by  the  faithful  is  their  fear  of A l l a h .

        Because, Allah instructs us in the Qur'an:
             … Do not conceal testimony. If someone does conceal it, his
             heart commits a crime. Allah knows what you do. (Surat al-
             Baqara, 283)
             As told in the above verse, concealing evidence is defined by
        Allah as unlawful. Because they fear any shortcomings or hesitation
        in  obeying  Allah's  commands,  the  faithful  display  exemplary
        courage in following Allah's prohibitions.
             In a society that does not abide by the Qur'an, a person who lis-

        tens to the voice of conscience, and defends the rights of the down-
        trodden, is asked questions like, "Are you his lawyer?" or "Is it your
        job to defend him?", in an attempt to belittle him and cause him to
        give up. The truth, however, is that what he is doing is a noble ex-
        ample of morality, and which deserves appreciation. If the person
        being criticized also fails to adhere to religious morality, he will be

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