Page 16 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 16


                                                  TO THE QUR'AN

            T         rue courage, as outlined in the Qur'an, is showing deter-

                      mination in respecting all of Allah's limits, without excep-
                      tion, and without hesitation, fearing none other than
            Allah, and not deviating from this course whatever the circ u m-

            stances or the condition. Essentially, courage is the virtue that arises
            as a result of faith, in those who fear no one but Allah, and who are
            deeply devoted to Him.
                Those who believe in Allah show courage as an outcome of their
            fear of Allah and their longing for the Here a f t e r. Because they are sin-
            c e re, they are also courageous. For the good pleasure of Allah, they
            adopt the manners taught by the Qur'an, and strive to persuade oth-

            ers to do the same, not remaining silent in the face of evil acts com-
            mitted around them. They take on the responsibility of stru g g l i n g
            against evil, and speaking of truth, beauty and virtue.
                The very basis of the courage of the faithful is their love and fear
            of Allah, and their rendering sincere effort to earn His good pleasure .
            For that reason, their courage in fulfilling the re q u i rements of moral-
            ity is not dependent on specific circumstances. In all conditions, a be-
            liever retains the courage that results from trusting in A l l a h .

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