Page 12 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 12


            C        onsider the person who lives his entire life avoiding re-

                     s p o n s i b i l i t y. One who thinks only of feeding himself, of

                     only his own future, house, car and other property… That
            which unfolds around him, the tragedies and injustices that take
            place all over the world, the bloodshed, anguish and hunger suf-
            f e red by others, does not concern him at all. He is indiff e rent to
            plight of those who have been unjustly attacked, or the child who
            can find not even a crumb to eat. He is of the corrupt mentality that
            suggests, "Let the snake which does not bite me live a thousand
            years." He thinks only of himself.
                Such persons are quite common, however. There are many who

            think that if they can avoid thinking of these concerns, they them-
            selves can be at peace. Though he finds himself in a cruel world, this
            does not trouble him or affect his conscience.
                H o w e v e r, during such times, there are great re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s
            upon everyone. All can achieve the state of mind to dispose them to
            come to the rescue of those who are suffering, who have been un-
            justly exiled from their homes, or endured massacre. Working to

            save the world from these afflictions is a duty which falls on every-
            body with mind to think and a conscience.
                Now, you may be thinking, "Yes, but what can I do?" But, think

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