Page 14 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 14
In the same way that the aim of Muslims is to spread moral ex-
cellence, the aim of these others is to spread their evil thro u g h o u t
the world. This is demonstrated by events throughout history.
Attempts have been made in every period to place under pre s s u re
the prophets and the faithful who followed them in preaching supe-
rior morality and to stop them with ugly and baseless slanders and
various methods of oppression.
However, there is a special secret that those who oppose good
to become established in the world can neither know, or even un-
derstand. As is pointed out in the verse, "It is Our army which will
be victorious." (Surat as-Saffat, 173), Muslims are always victorious
over the unbelievers. This is the promise of Allah. In this world,
Allah definitely brings victory over their enemies to those who fol-
low His path with courage, and re w a rds them in the Hereafter for
their devoted efforts by placing them in Paradise.
All who trust in Allah, and show determination in adhering to
and promoting superior morality sanctioned by Him, can hope to be
re w a rded with His boundless blessings. Whoever shows courage
and determination similar to that of the prophets and the sincere
faithful, and strives forth without deviating from the right path,
may hope to become among the dwellers of Paradise. In a verse,
Allah promises the following:
Those who believe and migrate and strive in the Way of
Allah can expect Allah's mercy. Allah is Ever - F o r g i v i n g ,
Most Merciful. (Surat al-Baqara, 218)
In this book, we will explore the subject of courage, an impor-
tant part of sublime morality of Islam. We will explain the tru e
meaning of courage, as defined in the Qur'an, and, at the same time,