Page 13 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 13

I n t ro d u c t i o n

        how the world would be if everyone thought that way… There
        would not be a single person to battle for good against the evils of
        the world. In fact, in every period of history, there have been those
        who fulfilled this duty. They came out fearlessly, trying to promote
        good in the world and keep it alive. The basic characteristics to be
        found among them were a fear of Allah, listening to their conscience,

        courage, outspokenness, and a willingness to accept responsibility.
             In order to replace the cruelty and injustice which have become
        pervasive throughout the world with good, prosperity and justice,
        the first strategy is to step courageously along the path of righteous-
        ness. Perhaps, you will be wondering why it would require courage
        to recommend people to do good? The truth is that, courage is one of
        the foremost qualities necessary for those who wish to banish evil

        from the face of the Earth.
             In order to understand how important are courage and sense of
        determination in instructing people to do good, and discouraging
        them from doing harm, we should consider the prophets, the exam-
        ple of their lives, and how they battled against evil in the cause of
             Considering this subject will help us to recognize that through-
        out the centuries, every movement for the promotion of good has
        been opposed by some other people.

             Of course, in every period of history, as well as those who strug-
        gled for virtue, beauty, morality, peace and tranquility to pre v a i l ,
        there have been a large numbers of those who killed others unjustly,
        expelled them from their homes, worked to spread moral degener-
        acy, oppressed the weak, all the while seeking by these means also to
        exalt themselves.

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