Page 32 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 32

such advice will be of benefit to them. In one verse, the end of
            those who oppose to the reminders made to them is declared
            as follows:
               But if anyone opposes the Messenger after the guid-
               ance has become clear to him, and follows other than
               the path of the believers, We will hand him over to
               whatever he has turned to, and We will roast him in
               Hell. What an evil destination! (Surat an-Nisa´, 115)
               Then, why do people not comply with the words that will
            save them from spiritual darkness, purify them of their
            faults, and help them to attain good, beauty, and most impor-
            tantly, Allah's approval? We can cite several reasons to ex-
            plain this; the absence of the fear of Allah, and concern for the
            Hereafter, their thinking themselves self-sufficient, assuming
            themselves to be infallible. As the verse maintains, "…What
            you call the idolaters to follow is very hard for them…."
            (Surat ash-Shura, 13)
               In the following pages, we will explore the reasons for
            which the disbelievers do not act in accordance with these re-

               They Have No Faith in Allah or Certainty
               of the Hereafter
               If you were to ask anyone around you, "Do you heed
            Allah?," they most probably will answer, "Yes." Yet, mere
            words do not suffice to prove one's awareness of Allah. Only
            Allah knows whether one truly heeds Him that is, what he
            harbors in his heart. However, believers may also ascertain
            this from both the speech and behavior of a person. A per-
            son's actions must not contradict his words. If a person fails

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