Page 36 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 36

of his lower-self, which can lead only to great loss. In a verse
            of the Qur'an, Allah explains the tendency of the lower-self to
            command evil as follows:
               [Yusuf said,] "I do not say my self was free from
               blame. The self indeed commands to evil acts–except
               for those my Lord has mercy on. My Lord, He is
               Forgiving, Merciful." (Surah Yusuf, 53)
               Conscience is one of the greatest blessings granted by
            Allah to man, that he may avoid the evil of his lower-self, for
            Allah puts man to various tests throughout his life. When
            confronted with certain events in his life, or instances when
            he is admonished or given certain reminders, he must be able
            to distinguish between right and wrong. It is his responses to
            these situations that will determine his state in the Hereafter.
            No matter what a man is doing, or whereever he may be, his
            conscience commands him to act in the most honourable
            way. Whether one wishes it or not, or even if he were to strive
            to supress the voice of his conscience, he could never silence
            it; it persistently insists on what is just. What is incumbent
            upon him is to follow this voice, and submit to Allah, and an-
            swer the call of those who summon to the truth, enjoin what
            is right and forbid what is wrong.
               Every person, through his conscience, recognizes the sin-
            cerity of the advice he receives when he is called to Allah's
            guidance, moral excellence, compliance with the true reli-
            gion, worship, to prepare himself for the next life and purify
            himself of mundane ambitions. Yet, the disbelievers ignore
            the voice of their conscience, being led astray by the evil of
            their lower-selves.
               Let us consider the example of an atheist who denies

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