Page 34 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 34

ing that they have still many years ahead of them, they do not
            listen to the reminders, and see nothing wrong in their obsti-
            nacy. Furthermore, in a manner that is extremely disrespect-
            ful and rebellious, they maintain,  "Why does Allah not
            punish us for what we say?" (Surat al-Mujadala, 8) One
            would not expect such people, who are so far from any
            awareness of Allah, and thought of the Hereafter, to heed the
            call of believers.
               These people will only come to understand the loss they
            are to suffer, because of their rebellion against the good word,
            at that moment when they meet their demise. Only then will
            they feel the fear of Allah in their hearts, as they ought to
            have. At that time, though, they will taste the severity of the
            punishment of Hell as they are made to enter into it. In the
            Qur'an, Allah informs us of what they will encounter in Hell:
               On the Day when disbelievers are exposed to the Fire,
               they will be asked, "Is this not the truth?" They will
               say, "Yes, by our Lord." He will say, "Then taste the
               punishment for having been disbelivers." (Surat al-
               Ahkaf, 34)

               They Follow Not Their Conscience,
               But Their Lower-Selves

               When disbelievers are summoned to the path of Allah,
            one of the reasons why they do not heed this call is their in-
            clination towards their lower-selves, rather than to their con-
            science. When faced with a trying situation, or when one of
            them needs to make an important decision, or choose be-
            tween right and wrong, one hears specific inner suggestions.

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