Page 37 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 37
Allah's existence. This person is one who has turned a deaf
ear to the voice of his conscience, and who has been over-
come by his lower-self. For each person is endowed with a
conscience and understanding to enable him to recognize the
signs of Allah's creation around him, and the existence of the
Creator Who has created everything with a superior wisdom.
If this person were asked to believe that spilled paint had
formed itself into a work of art by pure accident, that it was
not the result of some intelligent effort, he would certainly
not believe it. Ironically, the same person, neglecting the use
of his logicical abilities, his conscience or his wisdom, would
claim that a tree came into being accidentally, and that it was
not created. This is truly a clear example of rejecting one's
conscience, and insisting instead on denial by obeying one's
Indeed, we encounter many such people today, who con-
tinue to exemplify this warped way of thinking. Every effort
to counsel them proves futile. They insist on not believing in
the signs presented to them, do not follow the good word, for
they do not adhere to their conscience. Yet, they ought to re-
member that, on the Day of Judgment, they will regret not
having complied with the reminders, and failed to appreciate
Allah's infinite might.
They Regard Themselves Superior to Others
One of the causes that hinders a disbeliever from comply-
ing with the good word, and following the path set out by the
believers is his arrogance and pride. As Allah also informs us
in the following verse, "And they repudiated them wrongly
and haughtily, in spite of their own certainty about
Complying with the Good Word 35