Page 39 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 39

pride which drives him to wrongdoing. Hell will be
               enough for him! What an evil resting-place! (Surat al-
               Baqara, 206)
               In another verse, Allah states that what the believers call
            the idolaters to is hard for them. It is again arrogance that is
            behind this obstinacy:
               … What you call the idolaters to follow is very hard
               for them. Allah chooses for Himself anyone He wills
               and guides to Himself those who turn to Him. (Surat
               ash-Shura, 13)
               The Qur'an relates that another excuse put forward by the
            disbelievers for not following the right path they are sum-
            moned by those who enjoin them what is right and forbid
            what is wrong is their being merely human beings of flesh
            and bones like themselves. Disbelievers of all ages have put
            forward this excuse. Allah recounts the instances of this de-
            viant ploy of disbelievers in several verses:
               They said, "You are nothing but human beings like
               ourselves. The All-Merciful has not sent down any-
               thing. You are simply lying." (Surah Yasin, 15)
               The ruling circle of those of his [Nuh's] people who
               were disbelievers said, "We do not see you as any-
               thing but a human being like ourselves. We do not see
               anyone following you but the lowest of us, unthink-
               ingly. We do not see you as superior to us. On the con-
               trary, we consider you to be liars." (Surah Hud, 27)
               The ruling circle of those of his [Nuh's] people who
               were disbelievers said, "This is nothing but a human
               being like yourselves who simply wants to gain as-
               cendancy over you. If Allah had wanted He would

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