Page 40 - The Pains of the False World
P. 40


                  The Companions of the Garden will call out to the Com -
                  panions of the Fire: "We have found that what our Lord
                  promised us is true. Have you found that what your
                  Lord promised you is true?" They will say: "Yes, we ha -
                  ve!" Between them a herald will proclaim: "May the cur -
                  se of Allah be on the wrongdoers, those who bar access
                  to the way of Allah, seeking in it something crooked,
                  and reject the Hereafter." (Surat al-A'raf, 44-45)


                  Those people who forget the Hereafter and imagine this
              world to be the be-all and end-all of existence have construc-

              ted for themselves a moral system far removed from that of
              the Qur'an. They may sometimes give the appearance of be-
              having in line with the attitudes ordained in the Qur'an but
              even while doing so, they still act with a worldly desire. For
              instance, people with such a view re g a rd such virtues as
              t ruth, honesty, sincerity, helpfulness, humility, self-sacrifice
              and loyalty as means of looking good to those around them
              and assuming a specific place amongst them. They adopt cer-
              tain modes of behavior with that end in mind. Yet that beha-
              vior is artificial and transitory since it is built on worldly inte-
              rests. People who adopt a modest and altruistic approach to-
              w a rds their friends may turn into most proud, hypocritical
              and selfish individuals the moment they realize that this pro-
              vides them with no advantages.
                  M o re o v e r, people who live in such a way are constantly
              calculating their own interests. Before doing anything, they

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