Page 43 - The Pains of the False World
P. 43

                              YOU ARE LIVING IN A FALSE WORLD?

                  He [Sulayman] said: "Truly do I love the love of good,
                  with a view to the glory of my Lord." (Surah Sad, 32)
                  There is no doubt that this virtuous behavior by Prophet
              Sulayman (as) shows the way in which believers should look
              at the riches of this world. People should always direct their

              love towards our Lord, Who protects them at all times and
              provides limitless blessings, according to His will.
                 One of the most noticeable signs of false love—love based
              on values other those of the Qur'an—is the choice of friends.
              The fundamental logic behind the friendship of those who fa-
              il to consider the existence of the Hereafter is generally built
              upon ensuring the greatest mutual benefit in this world. Both
              sides have specific characteristics sought by the other and
              they look for a friend who can offer them material and emoti-
              onal benefits of various sorts. The aim is to attain respect and
              prestige in the eyes of wider society.
                  They attach considerable importance to the physical ap-
              pearance, family situation, education and abilities of the per-
              son they select. Features of proper moral values such as love,

              respect and loyalty are generally of limited importance to the
              follower of godless love. In the absence of real love and re s-
              pect in a friendship, there can of course be no true happiness.
              This also applies to the conception of marriage held by those
              who live far removed from the moral values of the Qur'an
              and, as with their friendships, relationships based on mutual
              advantage prevail.
                  However, the exact opposite applies to the believer. A per-
              son who believes in Allah loves and respects another to the

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