Page 44 - The Pains of the False World
P. 44
extent of that individual's faith in and devotion to Him and
proper moral values. That person hopes not for worldly inte-
rests or a temporary relationship with the other but for an
eternal love compatible with the approval of Allah, Who has
revealed that He will reward such people, together with their
spouses, in the Hereafter:
The Companions of the Garden are busy enjoying
themselves today, they and their wives reclining on co -
uches in the shade. (Surah Ya Sin, 55-56)
"My servants, you will feel no fear today; you will know
no sorrow." As for those who believed in Our signs and
became Muslims: "Enter the Garden, you and your wi-
ves, delighting in your joy." Platters and cups of gold
will be passed around among them and they will have
there all that their hearts desire and their eyes find de-
light in. You will remain in it timelessly, for ever. That is
the Garden you will inherit for what you did. (Surat az-
Zukhruf, 68-72)
In societies which live far removed from the moral values
of the Qur'an, everyone has his or her own diff e rent ideas
about the concept of righteousness. Yet the true definition of
righteousness has actually been revealed in the Qur'an:
It is not righteousness to turn your faces to the East or to
the West. Rather, those with true righteousness are those
who believe in Allah and the Last Day, the a ngels, the