Page 42 - The Pains of the False World
P. 42


                  wrong at the time when they see the punishment, and
                  that truly all strength belongs to Allah, and that Allah is
                  severe in punishment. (Surat al-Baqara, 165)
                  For example, many unbelievers direct this distorted love
              to the most materialistic pursuits. Their love for property is
              passionately devoted to this transitory sphere and the very

              heart itself is thus infected by the shadows of meanness and
              selfishness. This attitude of unbelievers is revealed in these
              terms in the Qur'an:
                  Truly he is fierce in his love of wealth. (Surat al-'Adiyat, 8)
                  However, the fact is that Allah has revealed with the ver-
              ses of the Qur'an that property is a subject of test belonging to
              the life of this world and has warned people against obsessi-

              on with the material:
                  Know that your wealth and children are a trial and that
                  there is an immense reward with Allah. (Surat al-Anfal, 28)
                  You who believe! Do not let your wealth or children di -
                  vert you from the remembrance of Allah. Whoever does
                  that is lost. (Surat al-Munafiqun, 9)
                  Aware of these facts, believers are not taken in by love of
              worldly goods. Since they know that it is our Lord Who en-

              dows them with the blessings they enjoy, this is a means whe-
              reby they give thanks to Allah. They use the material means
              given to them for good deeds which can gain Allah's appro-
              val, and seek more in order to use all that they have to please
              Allah. Prophet Sulayman (as), who was given an enormous
              t re a s u r y, expressed the purposes for which he wanted those

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