Page 78 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 78

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                      Our Prophet (saas) pro claimed Islam very ef fect ive ly and
                 with de ter mi na tion. As a re sult, he en dured great suf fer ing.
                 Even when he was of fered a treas ure to stop spread ing Islam,
                 he re ject ed this and many sim i lar pro pos als. Always par a -
                 mount in his mind was win ning Allah's ap prov al and work ing
                 for the Muslims and Islam. He al ways hoped for Allah's help
                 and be lieved that, with His help, he and the be liev ers would

                 even tu al ly pre vail. So, he was al ways un der Allah's pro tec tion
                 and nev er suf fered any harm from the un be liev ers:
                     You will have a wage that nev er fails. Indeed, you are tru ly
                     vast in char ac ter. (Surat al-Qalam: 3-4)

                     Truly it is the speech of a no ble Messenger, pos sess ing
                     great strength, se cure ly placed with the Lord of the Throne,
                     obeyed there, trust wor thy. Your com pan ion is not cra zy. He
                     [Muhammad] saw him on the clear ho ri zon. Nor is he mis -
                     er ly with the Unseen. (Surat at-Takwir: 19-24)
                     The great Islamic schol ar Imam al-Ghazzali gives an ac -
                 count of the Prophet's ex cel lent mor al char ac ter, based on the
                 had iths col lect ed by al-Tirmidhi, al-Tabarani, Imam al-Bukhari,
                 Sahih Muslim, Imam Ahmad, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Ibn

                     The Prophet was the most pa tient of men, the brav est, the best
                     judge, and one who par doned most. He was the most char i ta ble of
                     men. He did not store up the pro vi sions of his fam i ly mem bers that
                     Allah was pleased to give him for more than a year. What re mained
                     in ex cess, he used to give in sad aq ah. He used to give away in sad -
                     aq ah to those who begged any thing of him, even out of his stored-up
                     pro vi sions.
                     He used to speak the truth, even though it some times caused troub -
                     le both to him self and his Companions. He used to ac cept in vi ta -

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