Page 76 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 76

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                 be came good hu man be ings shin ing with the light of faith. This
                 was a great mir a cle. Besides his own mor al good ness, our
                 Prophet (saas) man i fest ed many kinds of mi rac u lous qual i ties
                 that were wit nessed not on ly by the Companions, but al so by
                 many un be liev ers. His mir a cles were di vine
                 proofs to the be liev ers and a means to faith
                 and the right path.

                     Given that he worked for twen ty-three
                 years, fought many bat tles, dealt with wick ed
                 and an gry peo ple, and was al ways in the van -
                 guard of the strug gle, it is mi rac u lous that noth -
                 ing un to ward hap pened to him and that he was
                 not mur dered. His ex traor di na ry de ter mi na tion
                 and her o ism in creased all of his Companions'

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