Page 72 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 72

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                     loved him. The one who de scribed him said: 'I
                     have not seen any one like him be fore him or
                     aft er him.'"  12
                     In his com mu ni ty, our Prophet (saas)
                 was known as al-Amin (the Turstworthy).
                 His face shed a no ble light that con vinced
                 ev ery one who saw it of his hon esty. Those
                 who lis tened to their con science while

                 speak ing with him un der stood that he was
                 spe cial; they saw many proofs that he was a
                 proph et. He was in tel li gent and in sight ful
                 and, due to his ex cel lent char ac ter, even the
                 hyp o crites asked him to solve their dis -
                     Ibn Sa`d gave the fol low ing ac count,

                 which he re ceived from Ibn Asakir (ra),
                 con cern ing the vir tues and good ness that
                 the Companions con tin u al ly saw in our
                 Prophet (saas):
                     The Prophet (saas) grew as the best
                 among peo ple in terms of hon esty, the most
                 beau ti ful in char ac ter, the most per fect in
                 so cial re la tions, the most gen er ous in neigh -
                               bor li ness, the most for ward

                                     in gen tle ness and se cu -
                                        ri ty, the tru est spo -
                                         ken, and the one
                                          who at tached the
                                          great est  im por -
                                          tance to cour te sy

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