Page 68 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 68

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                 own eyes they saw the Prophet Muhammad's (saas) faith ful -
                 ness to his prom is es, loy al ty, jus tice, hon esty, truth ful ness,
                 kind ness to or phans and those in need, gen er os i ty, and in ter est
                 in oth ers. His ex cel lent char ac ter and mor al qual i ties al ways
                 caught ev ery on e's at ten tion, and he was ev ery on e's most trust -
                 ed, be lov ed, and re spect ed friend.
                     Our Prophet's (saas) mor al char ac ter could not be de nied

                 or ig nored. His mor al char ac ter, as de scribed in the Qur'an, was
                 pleas ing to Allah, Who made him an ex am ple and guide to all
                 peo ple. According to Islamic sour ces, Nadr ibn al-Haris at -
                 tempt ed to harm the Prophet (saas) with his words; lat er on, he
                 met with the ido la ters' lead ers and told them:

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