Page 63 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 63
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
let ters on the walls of the Ka`bah. Some of them were re cit ed
to the peo ple on great oc ca sions, such as the trade fair at Ukaz.
Even the Bedouins could re cite po et ry that was just as good as
any com posed by the ur ban po ets. Whether their po ems were
met ri cal or com posed in a free style, the peo ple were moved. 9
So, at a time when el o quence and style were well de vel -
oped, Allah re vealed the Qur'an to our Prophet (saas). It was
not long be fore these lit er ary in di vid u als, even though their in -
ner ar ro gance and con ceit made them per sist in their re bel -
lious ness, no ticed that the Qur'an was, in lit er ary terms, a mir -
a cle.
The Qur'an in cludes in ci dents that are means of gui dance
for peo ple, al lows peo ple to recog nize their own low er selves,
gives in for ma tion about the past and the fu ture. Its rich ness is
in fi nite and in com pa ra ble. In fact, this mir a cle is so great that
Allah told the Prophet (saas) to pro claim to those who were too
ar ro gant to lis ten to it:
Say: "If both hu man i ty and jinn band ed to geth er to pro -
duce the like of this Qur'an, they could nev er pro duce any -
thing like it, even if they backed each oth er up." We have
spread through out this Qur'an all kinds of ex am ples for
peo ple, but most peo ple spurn any thing but un be lief.
(Surat al-Isra': 88-89)
Or do they say: "He has in vent ed it"? Say: "Then pro duce
ten in vent ed su rahs like this and call up on any one you can
be sides Allah, if you are tell ing the truth." If they do not re -
spond to you, then know that it has been sent down with
Allah's knowl edge and that there is no de i ty but Him. So
will you not be come be liev ers? (Surah Hud: 13-14)