Page 61 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 61

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                              The Qur'an's Lit er ary Ex cel ence

                    Allah pro claims: "We have made the Qur'an easy to re -
               mem ber" (Surat al-Qamar: 22).
                    In spite of the fact that it has an eas i ly un der stand a ble
               style, it can not be com pared in any way with an oth er book.
               This is one of Allah's great mir a cles. Those who doubt ed, in
               spite of clear proofs, slan dered the Prophet (saas), and so Allah
               re vealed:

                    Do they say: "He has in vent ed it"? Say: "Then pro duce a su -
                    rah like it and call up on any one you can, be sides Allah, if
                    you are tell ing the truth." (Surah Yunus: 38)
                    Even though noone could ev er achieve this, the un be liev -
               ers could mis tak en ly con sid er it an easy mat ter. In Arabia, po -
               et ry and lit er a ture were high ly de vel oped; there were po ets
               and flu ent and el o quent in di vid u als who used Arabic very

               well. As Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said, a tri be's lit er ary peo ple
               were con sid ered the peo ple's great est he roes. Given the im por -
               tance they placed on lit er a ture and rhet o ric, the Mu'allaqat
                (sev en od es writ ten by sev en po ets) were sus pend ed in gold

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