Page 60 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 60
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
for a re ward from Allah on ly if they
take the Qur'an and the Prophet's (saas) Sunnah as
their meas ure of judg ment, obey Allah's com mands ful ly by al -
ways do ing good works to win His ap prov al, and take the
Prophet's (saas) mor al char ac ter as their ex am ple.
As Allah re vealed in the Qur'an, His words are "per fect"
and peo ple can on ly reach the truth by fol low ing the Qur'an
and the Prophet's (saas) Sunnah, for:
"Am I to de sire some one oth er than Allah as a judge when
it is He Who has sent down the Book to you clar i fy ing ev -
ery thing?" Those to whom We have giv en the Book know it
has been sent down from your Lord with truth, so on no ac -
count be among the doubt ers. The Words of your Lord are
per fect in truth ful ness and jus tice. No one can change His
Words. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Surat al-
An'am: 114-115)