Page 56 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 56

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                 er Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said: "The All-Wise Qur'an is the
                 lead er to the aware and the con scious, the guide of jinn and men, the
                 teach er of those at tain ing to per fec tion, and in struct or of those seek -
                 ing re al i ty." In or der to bring hu man i ty out of its dark ness and
                 in to the light, Allah re vealed the an swer to ev ery ques tion to
                 those who seek it in their con science:

                     We have sent down the Book to you mak ing all things clear
                     and as gui dance and mer cy and good news for the Muslims.
                     (Surat an-Nahl: 89)
                     …We have not omit ted any thing from the Book – then they
                     will be gath ered to their Lord. (Surat al-An'am: 38)
                     This is a man i fes ta tion of Allah's mer cy to ward His ser -

                     Moreover, Allah lets us know some thing about Him
                 through the Qur'an. For ex am ple, He re veals that He cre at ed
                 the uni verse from noth ing, rich be yond need of any be ing, is
                 be yond de fect, knows ev ery thing, and sees and hears ev ery se -
                 cret. Besides this, He re vealed why and how hu man be ings
                 were cre at ed; what kind of life will win His ap prov al; the ex is -
                 tence of the Day of Judgment, Paradise, and Hell; taught hu -
                 man be ings how to pray and be good, how to be sound in body

                 and spir it, and what to do in times of dif fi cul ty and un ex pect -
                 ed sit u a tions; and de scribed the var i ous kinds of hu man char -
                 ac ter. But He has al so re vealed far more than just these things,
                 for some vers es point to sci en tif ic truths and knowl edge as well
                 as how to solve per son al and so cial prob lems. In oth er words,
                 the Qur'an con tains all of the ba sic knowl edge nec es sa ry for ev -
                 ery mo ment of a per son's life:

                     In this way We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an and
                     have giv en var i ous warn ings in it so that, hope ful ly,

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