Page 53 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 53
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Qur'an Con tains Ad vice
For All Hu man i ty
The Qur'an is the last Divine book that was re vealed to ad -
vise hu man i ty; there fore, its de crees re main val id for all peo -
ple, re gard less of their par tic u lar time or lo ca tion, un til the Day
of Judgment. The Qur'an shows hu man be ings the right path
and re minds them about cer tain things per tain ing to their eter -
nal life. For ex am ple:
It is cer tain ly a re mind er to you and to your peo ple, and you
will be ques tioned. (Surat al-Zukhruf: 44)
The su preme wis dom it con tains, the truth it re veals about
the past and the fu ture, and its style that dis pels ig no rance and
un a ware ness make the Qur'an unique and with out equal. Its
mi rac u lous char ac ter ap plies to all peo ple who will ev er live,
and its va lid i ty be gan on the day it was re vealed and will con -
tin ue un til the Day of Judgment.
All peo ple are re spon si ble for serv ing Allah prop er ly. This
is pos si ble on ly if they be lieve in Him sin cere ly and are guid ed
by the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas). Allah re -
veals how won der ful the Qur'an is and how im por tant it is to
adopt it as on e's guide:
If We had sent down this Qur'an to a moun tain, you would
have seen it hum bled, crushed to pie ces out of fear of Allah.
We make such ex am ples for peo ple so that, hope ful ly, they
will re flect. (Surat al-Hashr: 21)