Page 48 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 48
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
1,400 years ago. Since it was im pos si ble to dis cov er these facts
sci en tif i cal ly when the Qur'an was be ing re vealed, it is clear
that the Qur'an is Allah's word to hu man i ty.
When the Qur'an was re vealed in the sev enth cen tu ry, the
Arabs had in nu mer a ble myths about what we would con sid er
sci en tif ic mat ters. Lacking the tech nol o gy to in ves ti gate the
uni verse and the world of na ture, they be lieved in myths and
leg ends passed down from gen er a tion to gen er a tion. For ex am -