Page 44 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 44

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                      The had iths in form us about how ex traor di na ry it is to

                 re ceive a rev e la tion and of the mar vel lous spir it u al things the
                 Prophet (saas) ex pe ri enced in his room. We learn that when the
                 rev e la tions came, those who were with him heard a sound like
                 a bee buzz ing around his face. Sahih al-Bukhari states:
                     Aisha nar rat ed: "Al-Harith ibn Hisham asked the Prophet (saas):
                     'How does the rev e la tion come to you?' He re plied: 'In all of that
                     the an gel comes to me, some times with a voice that re sem bles the
                     sound of a ring ing bell. When this state aban dons me, I re mem ber
                     what the an gel has said. This type of rev e la tion is the hard est on me.
                     Sometimes the an gel comes to me in the shape of a man and talks to
                     me, and I un der stand and re mem ber what he says.'"   3

                     Aisha nar rat ed: "I saw the Prophet (saas) re ceive rev e la tion on a
                     very cold day and no ticed the sweat drop ping from his fore head."  4
                     Zayd ibn Thabit nar rat ed: "I wrote down Allah's rev e la tions to the
                     Prophet (saas). When the rev e la tion came to him, he felt a great
                     wea ri ness and had beads of sweat like pearls. When the state of rev -
                     e la tion end ed, he re cit ed and I would write."  5

                     Abu Hurayrah nar rat ed: "When the rev e la tion came from Allah to
                     the Prophet (saas), it was as if he had faint ed."  6

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