Page 39 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 39
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Say: "The Purest Spirit has brought it down from your Lord
with truth, to make those who have faith firm, and as gui -
dance and good news for the Muslims." (Surat al-Nahl: 102)
Truly it is rev e la tion sent down by the Lord of all the
worlds. The Faithful Spirit brought it down to your heart
so you would be one of the Warners. (Surat al-Shu'ara':
There is a tra di tion that the rev e la tions ceased for a while
aft er the first vers es had been re vealed. The had iths tell us that
when the rev e la tions re sumed, the first vers es he re ceived were
the open ing vers es of Surat al-Muddaththir. After that, the
Prophet (saas) as sumed his re spon si bil i ty of pro claim ing the
rev e la tion. Later, by a com mand from Allah, he told peo ple to
have faith on ly in Allah and not to make any crea ture His equal:
O you who are en vel oped in your cloak, arise and warn.
Magnify your Lord. (Surat al-Muddaththir: 1-3)
It is al so said in Surat al-Shura 194 that rev e la tions were
placed in the Prophet's (saas) heart. In ad di tion, Allah caused
him to mem o rize the Qur'an: "We will cause you to re cite so
that you do not for get" (Surat al-A'la: 6). His abil i ty to mem -
o rize the Qur'an in this way was an oth er one of his mir a cles.
The vers es of the Qur'an were root ed in the Prophet's
(saas) heart, and he spent his whole life pro claim ing them. In
Surat al-A'la 8, "We will ease you to the Easy Way," Allah an -
nounced that He is the Prophet's (saas) help er and will give
him suc cess. Allah tells us that He is the bless ed mes en ger's
con stant Helper: "It is Our du ty to help the be liv ers" (Surat al-
Rum: 47). He re fresh ed the Prophet's (saas) heart and cre at ed
mar vel lous things in his mind and mem o ry. He tells us that it
is He Who en a bled the Prophet (saas) to re cite and re -