Page 35 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 35
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Revelation of
the Qur'an
According to Islamic and his tor i cal
texts, Allah be stowed pro pheth ood up on
the Prophet Muhammad (saas) when he
was for ty years old. But even be fore that
time, cer tain mi rac u lous events took
place. For ex am ple, his dreams came true.
The had iths say that these dreams last ed
for about six months. The em i nent
Islamic schol ar Imam al-Bukhari re lates:
The com mence ment of the Di vine in spi ra -
tion to the Messenger of Allah was in the
form of good right eous (true) dreams in his
sleep. He nev er had a dream but that it
came true like bright day light. 1
The had iths tell us that when he
turned for ty, he would of ten go by him -
self to the Cave of Hira' (Ghar Hira) in
Jabal al-Nur (the Mountain of
Light), which was lo -
cat ed about twelve
kil o me ters from
Mecca. During
the Ramadan
of his third
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