Page 31 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 31
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
the mes sage of those be fore me." But most of them do
not know the truth, so they turn away. (Surat al-
Anbiya': 19-24)
This book in forms the read er about some of the
Prophet Muhammad's (saas) mir a cles. Allah made this
bless ed in di vid u al an ex am ple to all peo ple due to his
good ness and deep faith, and his ev ery word and ac tion.
With Allah's per mis sion, he per formed mir a cles through -
out his life, some of which were wit nessed on ly by the
Companions and oth ers of which were seen by great num -
bers of un be liev ers.
An ac count of some of these mir a cles has come down
to us in the Qur'an; we know of oth ers through the had iths
and the var i ous writ ings of Islamic schol ars. We in tend to
show the mi rac u lous as pects of this bless -
ed per son who was sent as a mer cy to
the world and to in vite our read ers to
take the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the
Prophet (saas) as their guide.