Page 30 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 30
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
to wor ship Him and
do not grow tired of
it. They glo ri fy Him
night and day, nev er
flag ging. Or have
they tak en de i ties out
of the soil who can
bring the dead to life? If
there had been any de i -
ties be sides Allah in
heav en or Earth, they
would both be ru ined.
Glory be to Allah, Lord
of the Throne, be yond
what they de scribe! He will
not be ques tioned about what He
does, but they will be ques tioned. Or have they
tak en oth er de i ties be sides Him? Say: "Produce
your proof. This is the mes sage of those with me and