Page 26 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 26
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
The Prophet Zechariah. (as) was told he would
have a child in his old age
Then and there Zechariah called on his Lord: "O Lord, grant
me by Your fa vor an up right child. You are the Hearer of
Prayer." The an gel called out to him while he was stand ing
in prayer in the up per room: "Allah gives you the good
news of John, who will come to con firm a Word from Allah,
and will be a lead er and a cel i bate, a proph et and one of the
just." He asked: "My Lord, how can I pos si bly have a son
when I have reached old age and my wife is bar ren?" He re -
plied: "It will be so. Allah does what ev er He wills." (Surah
Al 'Imran: 38-40)