Page 28 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 28
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
ly grown; and when I taught you the Book and Wisdom,
and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you cre at ed a bird-
shape out of clay by My per mis sion, and then breathed in -
to it and it be came a bird by My per mis sion; and healed the
blind and the lep er by My per mis sion; and when you
brought forth the dead by My per mis sion; and when I held
back the tribe of Israel from you, when you brought them
the clear signs and the un be liev ers among them said: 'This
is noth ing but down right mag ic.'" (Surat al-Ma’ida: 110)
All of the mes sen gers were bless ed in di vid u als who sub -
mit ted them selves to Allah. They had good mor al char ac ters
and were ex am ples to the world. Like ev ery one else, they were
help less and needy in Allah's sight. Allah, Who cre at ed the uni -
verse from noth ing, has ab so lute pow er and gov ern ance over
all things, both liv ing and in an i mate. The uni verse and all crea -
tures in the heav ens and on Earth be long to Him, for He, the
Lord of the uni verse, cre at ed them all. Everything moves at His
com mand and ex ists at His pleas ure.
Allah feeds all liv ing crea tures, pro vides them with many
bless ings, brings forth plants and cre ates their sea sons, and
brings dark ness in the even ing and makes the sun a bril liant
light. He cre at ed all hu man be ings who have ev er lived and
who are yet to live; all an i mate and in an i mate things owe their
ex is tence to Him, and ev ery crea ture needs Him. He has hon -
ored some in di vid u als by choos ing them to be His mes sen gers.
They al so stand in need of Him, act at His com mand, and per -
form their mir a cles on ly by His will.
We are told in Surat al-Anbiya' of Allah's in fi nite pow er:
Everyone in the heav ens and on Earth be longs to Him.
Those in His pres ence do not con sid er them selves too great