Page 36 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 36
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
treat, Allah grant ed the Prophet Muhammad (saas) the rank of
proph et by send ing Gabriel to re veal some Qur'anic vers es to
him. The first rev e la tion was giv en on August 10, 610 CE
(Monday night, 21 Ramadan).
This was cer tain ly a won der ful grace from Allah. Our
Prophet (saas) was bless ed; he was an able, good, and a man of
deep faith; had a de gree of fear and re spect to ward Allah; and
was wor thy of this hon or:
… but for a mer cy from your Lord. His fa vor to you is in -
deed im mense. (Surat al-Isra': 87)
You did not ex pect to be giv en the Book. It is noth ing but a
mer cy from your Lord... (Surat al-Qasas: 86)
The fact that his dreams came true is one proof that our
dear Prophet (saas) was cho sen by Allah. Islamic schol ars in ter -
pret this as mean ing that Allah pre pared him for this great re -
spon si bil i ty while he slept. After these dreams, the Prophet
(saas) re ceived the first rev e la tion and was en trust ed with
guid ing hu man i ty to the true path. He con tin ued to do so, with
great de ter mi na tion, un til he died.
The had iths re late the mi rac u lous events that oc curred be -
fore he re ceived the first rev e la tion:
Aisha nar rat ed: The first thing with which the rev e la tion be gan for
the Messenger of Allah was cor rect dreams in sleep. He nev er saw
a dream but that it came like the break ing of the dawn. He used to
go in se clu sion to (the cave of) Hira', where he used to wor ship
(Allah alone) con tin u ous ly for many nights. He used to take pro vi -
sion with him for that (stay) and then like-wise come back to
Khadijah to take his food again for an oth er pe ri od. Then sud den ly
the Truth de scend ed up on him while he was in the cave of Hira'.
The an gel came to him and asked him to read.