Page 38 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 38

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                     Read, and Your Lord is Most Generous, He Who taught by
                     the pen, taught man what he did not know.' (Surat al-'Al aq: 1-
                     5)" Then Allah's Messenger re turned with it…  2
                     We are told in the Qur'an about his con ver sa tion with
                 Gabriel and the rev e la tion of the Qur'an to him. It is re vealed in
                 Surat al-Najm that Gabriel taught the Qur'an to the Prophet

                     Your com pan ion is not mis guid ed or mis led; nor does he
                     speak from whim. It is noth ing but Revelation re vealed,
                     taught to him by one im mense ly strong. (Surat al-Najm: 2-5)
                     We al so learn of the won drous events that oc curred as
                 Gabriel trans mit ted the Qur'an to the Prophet (saas):

                     … pos sess ing pow er and splen dor. He [Gabriel] stood there
                     sta tion ary, there on the hi ghest ho ri zon. Then he drew near
                     and hung sus pend ed. He was two bow-lengths away or
                     even clos er. Then He [Allah] re vealed to His ser vant what
                     He re vealed. His [Muhammad's] heart did not lie about
                     what he saw. What! Do you dis pute with him about what he
                     saw? (Surat al-Najm: 6-12)
                     It is al so stat ed in sev er al oth er vers es that Gabriel, al so
                 called the "Purest Spirit" or the "Faithful Spirit," de liv ered the
                 rev e la tion:
                     It does not be fit Allah to ad dress any hu man be ing  ex cept
                     by in spi ra tion, or from be hind a veil, or He sends a mes sen -
                     ger who then re veals by His per mis sion what ev er He wills.
                     He is in deed Most High, All-Wise. (Surat al-Shura: 51)

                     Say: "Anyone who is Jibril's en e my should know that it was
                     he who brought it [the Qur'an] down up on your heart, by
                     Allah's au thor i ty, con firm ing what came be fore, and as gui -
                     dance and good news for the be liev ers." (Surat al-
                      Baqarah: 97)

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