Page 43 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 43
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
mem ber all of its vers es:
Do not move your tongue try ing to has ten it. Its col lec tion
and rec i ta tion are Our af fair. So when We re cite it, fol low
its rec i ta tion. Then its ex pla na tion is Our con cern. (Surat al-
Qiyamah: 16-19)
Clearly, Allah placed the Qur'an's vers es in his mem o ry in
a spe cial way:
High ex alt ed be Allah, the King, the Real! Do not rush
ahead with the Qur'an be fore its rev e la tion to you is com -
plete, and say: "My Lord, in crease me in knowl edge."
(Surah Ta Ha: 114)
With his love and live ly faith in Allah, our Prophet (saas)
will ing ly and whole heart ed ly obeyed all of His com mands.
Allah made him pow er ful and gave him suc cess, grant ed him
many bless ings, and made him spe cial in both worlds.
What Happened While the Prophet (saas)
Was Receiving Revelation
Allah tells us that He told our Prophet (saas) to get up in
the night and pre pare to re ceive a rev e la tion, a "weighty
O you who are en wrapped in your cloth ing, stay up at
night, ex cept a lit tle, half of it, or a lit tle less, or a lit tle more,
and re cite the Qur'an dis tinct ly. We will im pose a weighty
Word up on you. Certainly, ris ing at night has a strong er ef -
fect and is more con du cive to con cen tra tion. In the day time,
much of your time is tak en up by busi ness mat ters.
Remember the Name of your Lord and de vote your self to
Him com plete ly. (Surat al-Muzzammil: 1-8)