Page 47 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 47

ur Prophet's (saas) great est mir a cle is the
                                 Qur'an, which Allah re vealed four teen cen -
               tu ries ago as a guide for hu man i ty and called ev ery one to obey
               to at tain sal va tion:
                    But it is noth ing less than a Reminder to all the worlds.
                    (Surat al-Qalam: 52)

                    Since that time, the Qur'an's lan guage has been eas i ly un -
                   der stand a ble by peo ple of ev ery era:
                     We have made the Qur'an easy to re mem ber. (Surat al-
                      Qamar: 22)
                            At the same time, its ex cel lent and in com -
                        pa ra ble lit er ary style, as well as the su pe ri or

                          wis dom it con tains, are def i nite proofs
                          that it is the Divine word. Many oth er mi -
                          rac u lous as pects al so at test that it is the
                            word of Allah. For ex am ple, some sci -
                            en tif ic facts could on ly be "dis cov -
                              ered" with the aid of mod ern tech -
                                nol o gy; but their es sence was
                                re vealed in the Qur'an some
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