Page 54 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 54

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                                         Everything Has Been

                                     Ex plained in the Qur'an

                                  Allah ex plains clear ly in the Qur'an what is
                             right and wrong, al lowed and for bid den.

                            Therefore, it is an easy mat ter for be liev ers who lis -
                        ten to the voice of their con science and avoid the self ish
                 pro mot ing of their low er selves to find the truth. The Qur'an
                 con tains ad vice that is full of wis dom. Its wis dom and the
                 good ness en joined in its vers es are clear. Sincere be liev ers
                 whom Allah has put on the right path can un der stand it with -
                 out dif fi cul ty and im ple ment its truths in their at ti tudes and
                  ideas, for the Qur'an is "gui dance for hu man i ty, with clear

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