Page 58 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 58
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
they will have fear of Allah or that
it will spur them to re mem brance.
(Surah Ta Ha: 113)
We have spread through out this
Qur'an all kinds of ex am ples for
peo ple, but most peo ple spurn any -
thing but un be lief. (Surat al-Isra':
We have spread through out this
Qur'an all kinds of ex am ples for
peo ple, but, more than any thing
else, hu man i ty is ar gu men ta tive.
(Surat al-Kahf: 54)
Allah tells peo ple to obey His de -
crees ab so lute ly, to take Him as their
on ly friend and guard i an, and that the
on ly pur pose of life is to win His ap -
prov al and mer cy and there by reach
Paradise. The on ly cri te ri on for liv ing is
the Qur'an, and the on ly way to fol low
is the way of Prophet Muhammad
Allah, Who was pleased to choose
Islam as the re li gion for His ser vants,
re vealed the Qur'an as a guide to which
they could re fer and made the life of
our Prophet (saas) an ex am ple for
them. All oth er paths are er rant and
false, based on ly on myths, her e sy, and
opin ion. Therefore, peo ple can hope