Page 64 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 64
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
Do they say: "He has in vent ed it"? Say: "Then pro duce a su -
rah like it and call on any one you can be sides Allah, if you
are tell ing the truth." No, the fact is that they have de nied
some thing that their knowl edge does not em brace and the
mean ing of which has not yet reached them. In the same
way, those be fore them al so de nied the truth. See the fi nal
fate of those who do wrong! (Surah Yunus: 38-39)
Unbelievers re main weak and pow er less in re la tion to the
Qur'an's ex cel lence. No one has ev er pro duced any thing like it,
and no one ev er will. All the un be liev ers' traps and rus es de -
signed to dis cred it the Prophet (saas) and pre vent him from de -
liv er ing his mes sage were, as a bless ing from Allah, ren dered
in ef fect ive.
From the lit er ary point of view, with the Qur'an, our
Prophet (saas) gave the wis est re sponse to his peo ple's pow er -
ful and elab o rate rhet o ric, to their most fa mous po ets and fin -
est or a tors. Besides this, he proved him self su pe ri or to all lit er -
ary peo ple. No doubt this was one of the ef fects of the Qur'an's
in com pa ra ble lit er ary qual i ty and wis dom. In re sponse to the
vers es that the Prophet (saas) re cit ed, the Meccan pol y the ists
were amazed. But in spite of their own cer tain ty about them,
some of them re belled be cause of their pride:
If you have doubts about what We have sent down to Our
ser vant, pro duce an oth er su rah equal to it and call your wit -
ness es, be sides Allah, if you are tell ing the truth. If you do
not do that – and you will not do it – then fear the Fire
whose fu el is peo ple and stones, made ready for the un be -
liev ers. (Surat al-Baqarah: 23-24)
The great schol ar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in ter prets these
vers es in this way: