Page 69 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 69

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                    O Qurayshis, I swear that to day you have en coun tered some thing
                    that has nev er be fall en you be fore.  From ear ly child hood,
                    Muhammad was your most be lov ed, the great est speak er of
                    truth, and the one who achieved the great est re spect. When he
                    was old er and brought Allah's Book, you said that he was a ma gi -
                    cian. I swear that he is not a ma gi cian. We have seen many ma gi -
                    cians and how they breathe on knots. You then called him a seer. I
                    swear that nei ther is he a seer. How many seers have we seen and
                    wit nessed their speech? You called him a po et. I swear that he is not
                    a po et. How many po ems have we learned and seen their me tre?
                    You called him cra zy. I swear that he is not cra zy. Are there any
                    signs of faint ing, non sense, or fits in him? O Qurayshis think well
                    and de cide…  11

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