Page 71 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 71

he proph et Muhammad (saas) is a bless -
                                   ed man and great ly hon ored in Allah's
                               sight. Allah sent him to guide ev ery one to the

               right and made him great in the world; he had the kind of mor -
               al char ac ter that made him the most trust wor thy of all hu man
               be ings, and he was an ex am ple to oth ers in his hon esty. He was
               a mes sen ger of Allah whose god li ness, good mor al char ac ter,
                 and dis po si tion were ex em pla ry. His com pas sion, po lite -
                    ness, sub tle un der stand ing, trust in Allah, and pa tient
                     de ter mi na tion make him a guide for all Muslims.
                           Ibrahim ibn Muhammad (ra), a grand son
                       of Ali ibn Abu Talib (ra), re lates the fol low ing

                        in for ma tion:
                          Whenever Ali de scribed the Messenger of
                          Allah's (saas) no ble fea tures, he used to say: "He
                          was the most gen er ous and the most truth ful
                           per son. He was the most kind-heart ed per -
                            son. Any per son who saw him would sud -
                              den ly be come awed. Anyone who came
                                in to close con tact with him and
                                knew  his  ex cel lent  char ac ter
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