Page 75 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 75

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

               and good man ners. He got on well with all. For that rea son
               they called him al-Amin – the tru est and most trust wor thy.   13
                    Ibn Sa`d re lat ed the fol low ing from ibn Hashim (ra):
                    During the Days of Ignorance, ev ery one asked the Prophet of Allah
                    to re solve dis putes.  14

                    Ya`qub ibn Sufyan (ra) and al-Bayhaqi (ra) re ceived the
               fol low ing from Ibn Shihab (ra):
                    When the Quraysh re built the Ka`bah, they be gan to ar gue who
                    would lay the Black Stone (in its orig i nal po si tion). Each tribe
                    wished to lay it. Then they said: "Whoever comes from that road,
                    let's ap point him to judge among us." The first to ap proach was
                    Prophet Muhammad (saas), who was then still a young man.
                    (According to re li a ble sour ces, he was thir ty-five.) They ap point ed
                    him ar bi ter. He said: "Bring a ground cloth." A ground cloth was
                    brought. "Now put the stone on it to geth er," he said. After the stone
                    was placed on the cloth, he said: "Let the eld est man of each tribe
                    come and hold one end of the cloth." They car ried the stone to its
                    place in that man ner. He then went up and in stalled the stone he
                    had tak en from them. As he grew old er, he at tract ed the love and re -
                                  spect of all. Because of the fame his hon esty won
                                     him, he was known as al-Amin, the most
                                       trust wor thy. This was be fore the rev e la tion
                                        had de scend ed up on him. 15
                                              Our Prophet (saas) spent his
                                          life guid ing peo ple to the right

                                          path, teach ing his Companions and
                                          talk ing with the un be liev ers in an
                                         at tempt to di rect them to the right
                                        way. As a re sult, sim ple Bedouins

                                     Al-Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone).

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