Page 67 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 67
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
When the Qur'an came, it chal lenged at the same time the ex -
perts in these four fields. First, it made the peo ple of el o quence
bow down be fore it. They all lis tened to it with amaze ment.
Second, it stunned the po ets and or a tors so that they bit their fin -
gers in as ton ish ment. Their most beau ti ful po ems writ ten in gold
were giv en a blow, and the fa mous Seven Poems that were placed
on the walls of the Ka`bah as an ob ject of pride were brought
down. Third, it al so si lenced the sooth say ers and ma gi cians,
made them for get about their dis cov er ies of hid den knowl edge, re -
sult ed in the ex pul sion of the jinn from the heav ens, and brought
the proc ess of div i na tion to a cer tain end. Fourth, it res cued from
myth and fab ri ca tions those who were cog ni sant of the events of
by gone times and the facts of cos mol o gy, teach ing them the re al
sto ry of past events and the il lu mi nat ing knowl edge of the facts
of cre a tion. Thus did those four groups bow down be fore the
Qur'an in as ton ish ment and re spect and be come its stu dents.
None of them ev er dared dis pute with a sin gle verse of it. 10
The rev e la tion of an ex traor di na ry book to the Prophet
(saas), who had lived among them all his life, amazed the ar -
ro gant peo ple and led them to hate him with out cause. As a
re sult, they did their best to harm him in ev ery pos si ble way.
Although they saw that he was good both in his life and mor -
al char ac ter, they con spired against him:
They are sur prised that a warn er should come to them
from among them selves. The un be liev ers say: "This is a
ly ing ma gi cian." (Surah Sad: 4)
Do peo ple find it so sur pris ing that We should re veal to
a man among them: "Warn hu man i ty." The un be liev ers
ex claim: "This is down right mag ic!" (Surah Yunus: 2)
Those who slan dered this good and bless ed man were
per son al wit ness es to his mor al su pe ri or i ty. With their