Page 83 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 83
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
tions to wed dings, vis it the sick and the dis eased, and at tend fu ner -
als. He was the most mod est, with out pride; his speech was most el -
o quent, with out length i ness. His con sti tu tion was the most beau ti -
He even used to go to dis tant pla ces to vis it the sick, ... sit with the
poor and des ti tute, eat with them, hon or those pos sess ing no bil i ty,
and ad vise them to do good deeds and show kind ness to rel a tives. He
did not treat any one harsh ly and ac cept ed the ex cus es of fered to
him. He joked, but spoke the truth.
He held in no cent sport and play as law ful, played with his wives
and held ra ces with them. He did not be lit tle the poor for their pov -
er ty nor show re spect to the wealthy for their rich es. He used to call
peo ple to Allah. 16
Our Prophet's (saas) Illiteracy
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was the il lit er ate proph et
whose com ing was fore told in the Torah and the Gospel. When
he be gan re lay ing the Qur'an to hu man i ty, and un til the end of
his life, he could nei ther read nor write. This was one of the
most im por tant in di ca tions that he was a proph et.
Although they knew that our Prophet (saas) was il lit er ate,
the un be liev ers ac cused him of writ ing it him self. In re sponse,
Allah re vealed:
Accordingly We have re vealed to you a Spirit by Our com -
mand. You had no idea of what the Book was, nor faith.
Nonetheless, We have made it a Light by which We guide
those of Our ser vants whom We will. Truly, you are guid -
ing to a Straight Path. (Surat as-Shura: 52)