Page 86 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 86
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
Being un taught, an or phan and weak, how did he ac quire such good
char ac ter and con duct, such knowl edge about Allah with out world -
ly or oth er-world ly ed u ca tion? His true and cor rect knowl edge
about the ear li er pro phets, peace be up on them, shows that he is a
true mes sen ger of Allah, be cause he knew these truths by rev e la -
tions. How could he know what was be yond man un less he re ceived
rev e la tion? 17
The People of the Book knew for cer tain that the mes sen -
ger whose com ing was pre dict ed in the Old and New
Testaments would be il lit er ate. But the un be liev ers spread the
lie that our Prophet (saas) wrote the Qur'an him self, re gard less
of the en su ing in con sist en cies in their words. Conflicting dates
and dif fer en ces in how a sto ry is told will cer tain ly come to the
sur face. Our Prophet (saas), who spoke with el o quence and
wis dom, was the most hon est, mod er ate, knowl edge a ble, and
well-man nered man in his com mu ni ty. His in tel li gence and in -
sight won the ad mi ra tion and trust of ev ery one.
Although he did not read the Old or the New Testament,
he knew their con tents and de crees, as well as the his to ry of past
so ci e ties, thanks to Allah's rev e la tions. All of those who knew
him were aware of this. Our Prophet (saas) had nev er gone to
school to re ceive an ed u ca tion. Thus, the wis dom con tained in