Page 88 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 88
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
pun ish ment of a Dreadful Day." (Surah Yunus: 15)
The Encyclopedia of Seerah tells how the great knowl edge
that Allah gave to the Prophet Muhammad (saas) is proof that
he was His mes sen ger:
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was un taught; he could not read or
write. Throughout his life the mem bers of the fam i ly he grew up in,
those close to him, and the peo ple of Mecca nev er saw him touch a
book nor hold a pen. Therefore, the Qur'an, the sea of knowl edge re -
vealed to him, is a unique mir a cle. That is be cause the text con tains
treas ures of in for ma tion such as the main sub ject mat ter of all pre -
vi ous di vine scrip tures, sto ries of pre vi ous pro phets, re li gions and
their be liefs, an cient his to ry, civ il i sa tion, cul ture and eco nom ics,
pol i tics and mor al val ues. … The way that, de spite be ing un taught
him self, he ap peared be fore the un be liev ers with a Book is in any
case the great est proof of his pro pheth ood. 19