Page 87 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 87
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
the mes sage he preached to his fel low Meccans and oth ers is
on ly one of the mi rac u lous as pects of this bless ed per son:
You nev er re cit ed any Book be fore it, nor did you write one
down with your right hand. If you had, the pur vey ors of
false hood would have voiced their doubts. (Surat al-
'Ankabut: 48)
The fa mous Islamic schol ar Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti in ter -
prets this verse as fol lows:
You did not read a book be fore this, in oth er words be fore the
Qur'an. You did not write it with your own hand. Had that been
so, had you been lit er ate, the ad her ents of su per sti tions would have
har bored doubts about you and would have said: "The proph et de -
scribed in the Torah could not read and write." 18
Although ev ery thing was so ob vi ous, the un be liev ers at -
tacked him, told all sorts of lies about him, and said that he was
a hu man be ing just like them selves:
Their hearts are dis tract ed. Those who do wrong con fer to -
geth er se cret ly, ask ing: "Is this man any thing but a hu man
be ing like your selves? Do you suc cumb to mag ic with your
eyes wide open?" Say: "My Lord knows what is said in
heav en and Earth. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing."
Furthermore, they say: "A mud dled jum ble of dreams!" and
"He has in vent ed it!" and "He is a po et!" (Surat al-Anbiya':
But our Prophet (saas) asked for Allah's help and for give -
ness, fol lowed His Way, and obeyed His com mands:
When Our Clear Signs are re cit ed to them, those who do not
ex pect to meet Us say: "Bring a Qur'an oth er than this one,
or change it." Say (O Muhammad]: "It is not for me to
change it of my own ac cord. I fol low noth ing ex cept what
is re vealed to me. I fear, were I to dis o bey my Lord, the