Page 84 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 84

The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)

                     Were it not for Allah's fa vor to you … Allah has sent down
                     the Book and Wisdom to you and taught you what you did
                     not know be fore. Allah's fa vor to you is in deed im mense.
                     (Surat al-Nisa': 113)
                     The Prophet re layed the Qur'an to hu man i ty, al ways stat -
                 ing that it was "a rev e la tion from Allah." He men tioned this fact
                 con stant ly and re mind ed the peo ple that they had known him
                 for years be fore Allah bless ed him with pro pheth ood:

                     Say: "Had Allah so wished, I would not have re cit ed it to
                     you. Nor would He have made it known to you. I lived
                     among you for many years be fore it came. Will you not use
                     your in tel lect?" (Surah Yunus: 16)
                     Despite his il lit er a cy, our Prophet (saas) de liv ered his re li -
                 gious mes sage very ef fect ive ly. He knew what was con tained
                 in the Old and New Testaments, and Allah gave him knowl -
                 edge from oth er ho ly books and of long-ago so ci e ties. During

                 his life, our Prophet (saas) man i fest ed many oth er wond ers.
                 Imam al-Ghazzali writes about the mi rac u lous proofs in his il -
                 lit er a cy:
                     The char ac ter and con duct of the Prophet, his ac tions, his hab its,
                     man age ment of af fairs, his treat ment of the dif fer ent class es of peo -
                     ple, his show ing the straight path to them, his won der ful an swers to
                     dif fer ent dif fi cult and sub tle ques tions, his un tir ing ef forts for the
                     good of peo ple, his good gui dance re gard ing the open laws of
                     Shari'ah; all these mat ters lead one to the con clu sion that these were
                     be yond the pow er of a man with out the help of an un seen hand. It
                     is im pos si ble on the part of a hyp o crite or a li ar. The peo ple tes ti fied
                     on see ing his con sti tu tion and qual i fi ca tions that he was a great
                     truth ful man sent by Allah.
                     Allah gave him these qual i ties though he was un taught and had
                       no ed u ca tion and lived al ways among il lit er ate Arabs.

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